Saving time by completing tasks in the quickest possible time is one of the keys to being successful as a graphic designer and stock media can be a perfect way to achieve this (Learn how to Make Money Using Stock Vectors here). Today we're going to tell you all about a stock graphics service that could quickly become one of your best friends: Envato Elements.
Stock Vector Graphics can be one of the most useful resources that designers like yourself can use however they are not the exclusive element that makes up a good design. Backgrounds, Fonts, Icons and so much more are also necessary to make your design stand out from the crowd. Time restraints on projects can make it harder to make our designs the way that we want them to be before passing them to our clients, Envato Elements can come to the rescue as a one stop shop for all the elements you'll need to complete a design including graphics, fonts, templates and so much more…. with unlimited downloads for less than 30 bucks a month!
Keep on reading to find why you should grab your Envato Elements subscription now!
Envato Elements: What Is It and Why You Should Have It
Envato Elements is a pretty young service in comparison to others, but being a part of Envato's network of stock media and graphic resource marketplaces, you know this service is going to be as trustworthy and professional as possible!
Offering over 25,000 Graphics, Fonts, Add-Ons, Actions and Presets, Templates, 3D Items and more, all handpicked from professional artists on Envato's platform and with every item coming with a single use commercial license allowing you to use these elements in your work projects it's pretty easy to see the benefits of having Envato Elements in your armoury. Best of all, Envato is offering an all you can eat service, offering unlimited downloads for a low monthly fee that can be cancelled any time that you like. Here's some other reasons Envato Elements is a great choice for all your Elements needs!
- A hand curated library of over 25,000 graphics, fonts, add-ons, actions and presets, templates, 3D items and more, all from handpicked professional artists on Envato's platform!
- Recently added over 200,000 premium stock photos!
- All elements come with a single use commercial license!
- Unlimited Downloads
- Only $29 per month and is cancellable any time!
- Access to over 1,000 tutorials on Envato Tuts+ service and FREE AND CO membership!
With over 10 years in the industry Envato has a strong reputation that you can trust in when it comes to delivering the quality and professionality that you would expect in exchange for your hard earned dollars so why not discover Envato Elements today?!
Stock Graphic Elements: It's Okay to Use Them, and You Should!
It's no secret that we here at VectorGuru are 100% Pro Stock Vectors, just take a look at some of our articles and you'll see that. (Check here to know more about What Vector Art is) Also the same could be said about stock elements too, not only can they add the extra edge your design needs, but are fully editable and are a great way of saving you time to take on more work or do the things you love with the people you love and Envato Elements is a perfect one stop shop for all the elements your going to need, from graphic packs including vectors, patterns, textures and backgrounds to templates for social media, websites, presentations and more that are all created by hand selected, professional designers such as yourself.
Use Stock Graphic Elements to Improve your Overall Design
You could be a totally awesome character designer but lack in backgrounds or patterns so it would make perfect sense to use a stock pattern design in your next project. Not only is it saving you time and from the struggle of doing something you might not be great at but it will also provide you with a finished pattern thats ready to use, letting you focus on what your best at and what could well be the core of your design.
Say you're creating a User Interface for an app, you have the layout down but come up blank when it comes to icons. Stock elements can save you here too with stock icon packs, that would help remove the road block in your user interface design without compromising on its high quality. The final app will look better, will have been completed quicker and you will have dodged the potential headache of creating all those icons from scratch!
Stock Graphic Elements are Time Savers that Help you Earn More
You'll find that many designers are against using stock elements in their designs as they feel it'd be cheating, however, we disagree. Templates are your friend and can be used to create some truly awesome designs in much less time, keeping your brain, your client and your pocket happy. Templates are customisable (here you have a little help on how to edit vectors!) from changing the colour, modifying the layout, and on top of this there is still all of the specific elements of your design to add, your images, text and custom made elements. In most cases, a non-designer won't get the results they are looking for using templates, however, you, as a designer will, you bring your years of expertise to the table and all of this shows in the final work
Use Graphic Templates to Complete Impossible Projects
Say a client has asked for a design, they need it super fast so that they can start using it straight away in their campaigns. 9 out of 10 times you would either reject it, or take on the work and struggle to meet the deadline, often compromising on the quality of the final project so that you don't miss the delivery date. With a graphic template, you're going to be able to complete this work so much quicker, with greater ease and still be able to deliver the high quality, professional designs that you want to supply to your clients.
Other times you're going to find clients bringing in a project that if built from scratch would be totally outside their budget, again leading you to reject the project all together or start compromising in the level of detail or functionality of the final design. Stock graphic elements to the rescue again, by using stock actions, presets, add-ons and even templates for UI and Web design, you reduce the amount of custom work needed and that not only reduces the final cost of the design, keeping it in budget, but allows you to deliver it in a timely manner that will keep your clients coming back again and again.
Take your Design Career to the Next Level with Envato Elements
So as you can see, when it comes to creating more designs in less time, keeping your clients happy and your earnings flowing nicely, stock graphics are your best friends.
Envato Elements is an awesome resource for all things stock, with a very low cost and a super convenient model. Unlimited downloads can guarantee you always have the elements you need at hand and with the commercial licence, you know that what ever your downloading can be used in your clients designs safely and with super cheap pricing, your profitability will soar without much investment.
So what are you waiting for? Check out Envato Elements and get your subscription today!