4 Free Abstract Backgrounds

An awesome free download for all Vectorguru readers!  Download this set of 4 Free Abstract Backgrounds; each done in different tints to use in your artwork.

Each background in this set uses a monochromatic color scheme, done in a different color; Green, Blue, Yellow and Red.  You can choose the background color that suits your design an use directly without the need to edit the color.

The abstract background has fluid ribbon shapes with different opacity levels and gradients with subtle variations applied to it. Circles of varied sizes are randomly scattered along these shapes to add volume, texture and depth to the artwork. The translucent ribbon shapes flowing across the canvas gives a sense of continuity to the design.

The background to these shapes too has gradients that add a glowing effect to the artwork.

This rich background can be used as is with text, or you may place other artwork or illustration across it.

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4 Free Abstract Backgrounds Description

Description: A free vector set of 4 backgrounds. Each done in different monochrome colors; Green, Blue, Yellow and Red with abstract ribbon shapes and circles.

Copyright by: Amos Struck / StockPhotoSecrets.com

License: Creative Commons Attribution / Please link back

Format: EPS File + .JPG (In a ZIP File)

Open in: Adobe Illustrator 10 and higher

We have some more exciting Free Vectors waiting to be downloaded. Get a ‘colorful twirl illustration' or an ‘awesome website banner‘; free for Vectorguru readers. Enjoy!

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